Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thanks Doc...the State of Modern Medicine

It seems that the greatest accomplishment of modern medicine, or at least the one they are most proud of, in the last 10 years was botox. Now, if that wasn't a big enough contribution to making all of our lives better, we now have this...

And this was at Nordstrom's! We are now taking fashion cues from a group of people that are soooo terrified that we won't know they are MDs they feel it's necessary to run around in scrubs, in public! Yet I wonder what they would say if you pointed out a rube farmer wearing his/her work cloths in public?

And this doesn't change the fact that these are just flat out UGLY! I don't care how comfortable they are. There are a lot of things I do for the sake of my fellow human beings that I do not find "comfortable." A person can wear whatever the heck they want in private, but the reality is I don't feel you should inflict your bad taste on your neighbors.

Friday, April 21, 2006

to be a Man

I've recently come across two interesting stories about how men view the world. One article was about vengeance, and other one about pretty women.

Having been a male for quite some time now, all I can say is "duh." I do not know if I ever would have thought of addressing either of the issues mentioned in the attached articles, but if you would have given me a chance to bet on the outcome I know which results I would have backed.

Another thing to worry about...

Check this out. Apparently it took NASA quite awhile to model this. The computers kept crashing when they previously tried to model this. You can see a jpeg of the event here.
Since black holes exist at the center of every universe, and the Milky Way is slowly edging towards a collision with another glaxay near us, we now know what our great, great, great, etc. kids have to look forward to!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Immune at last - plus animal crackers

I just received two immunization shoots this morning in order to be able to register for class. However, now that that's done, all the classes are full! So now it looks like I will not be taking any classes at all over the summer. I hate this waiting list crap.

Now on to animal crackers. The other day in class, where apparently I was a menace to everyone since my immunization records were not up to date, I noticed that when I eat animal crackers I always bite the heads off first. Why is that? I know I have enough psych friends who read this (you read this, right?) and even though they never comment, surely they have something to say about this!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Everythings better down where it's wetter

Remember when you all you used to worry about where sharks, giant squids, and weird alien creaturs? Now this...

Bonus point to anyone where remembers where I got the title from.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Amazon Books on the Moon

I think I need some sort of parental controls on my computer to prevent me from getting to Amazon. Just this week I've ordered 2 books about Noel Coward, 1 book about Noel Coward and Cole Porter (who wouldn't want a book titled "The Sophisticates"?), and a book called "Everybody was so Young", the story of Gerald and Sara Murphy (inspiration for Nicole and Dick Diver in "Tender is the Night").

Now I have plenty of books, and plenty of books I've bought that I still haven't had a chance to read yet. And now I also have school books to read as well. I need more books like a hole in the head, yet somehow I can't resist getting more.

However, in my defense, these books all seem spectacular. I can not wait to read them! I swear I'm bi-polar. On the one hand I consume tons of sci fi books, books about nano and biotechnology, the future. On the other hand I love reading about the past. Sure it's the glamorous past (no interest what so ever what the peasants were doing), but the past none of the less. The only period I'm not really interested in is now! Well of course the 60's and 70's are pretty awful as well, damn boomers.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Personality going to the dogs

I was going to write about immigration, but that seems a little to heavy for this morning.

Instead, let's talk about personality tests! I just took one from a book entitled "Sales Dogs." Well it turns out that I'm a poodle! Apparently it involves liking the high life, hob knobbing with people of certain tastes, liking stylish cloths, etc. Unfortunately it does seem accurate, though I think I would have preferred Italian Greyhound....